Health Services

Stargate’s Health Aide, assisted by the office staff, manages the school clinic and is responsible for maintaining health records, giving daily medications, daily diabetes care, and providing first aid to students who are sick or injured at school.  If the Health Aide determines a child needs to go home because of illness or injury, parents/guardians will be contacted as soon as possible. Therefore, it is important that you keep Stargate informed of any change in address/telephone numbers, as well as emergency contacts in case a parent cannot be reached.

When to Stay Home

Your child must stay home for at least 24 hours if he/she is sent home from school with any of the following:

Other reasons to keep your child home:

If your student tests positive for Covid: Please see the following CDPHE website for guidance on isolation, You can visit this link or contact their medical providers to establish when they can return to school/work. 

Please read this guidance from CDPHE for further information. 

Elementary Health Fax  (303) 459-6828

Secondary Health Fax  (303) 328-3570


Many students are diagnosed with potentially life-threatening food allergies.  Any time food is brought into the school, please label it with all ingredients.  

Stargate Medication Procedures and Required Forms


All students must submit a completed Certificate of Immunization or Exemption upon enrollment at Stargate.  Parents with bona fide medical or religious objections may request exemption to school immunization requirements. In the event of disease outbreak, Stargate and/or the State Department of Health may enact a quarantine, in which case the non-immunized child may be subject to exclusion from school. 

Students with Diabetes

Stargate works to ensure a learning environment for students with diabetes that is consistent with individual student needs as well as state and nationally recognized standards of practice. A student with diabetes may have an IEP, a Section 504 Plan, and/or a Health Care plan that addresses student needs.

Suicide Prevention

Protecting the health and well-being of all students is of utmost importance to Stargate School, and District Policy 5520 Suicide Assessments will be followed as a priority to protect all students. Students have access to national resources which they can contact for additional support, such as: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1.800.273.8255 (TALK), The Trevor Lifeline – 1.866.488.7386, All students will be expected to help create a school culture of respect and support in which students feel comfortable seeking help for themselves or friends. Students are encouraged to tell any staff member if they or a friend are feeling suicidal or in need of help. Students should also know that because of the health and safety impacts of these matters, the confidentiality and privacy rights of individuals will be respected, but privacy is secondary to seeking help for students in crisis.

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